5 Bullets for Federal Workers

Choose your job series to see sample bullet points for a weekly report

*Updated with new entries weekly!*

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Sample Generic Bullet Points

• Coordinated with cross-functional teams to meet project deadlines.

• Developed reports to summarize key insights and recommendations.

• Managed data and documentation to support operational goals.

• Contributed to policy discussions.

• Conducted research to identify trends and best practices.

• Reviewed standard operating procedures.

• Provided support to stakeholders and colleagues.

• Tracked project milestones.

• Participated in weekly strategy meeting to align team objectives.

• Ensured accuracy in data reporting and documentation.

• Assisted leadership in decision-making by providing analytical support.

• Strengthened collaboration with external partners.

• Gathered material for key briefings and reports.

• Designed and conducted an informal survey to gather feedback and insights.

• Ensured customer satisfaction through proactive communication.

• Contributed to internal knowledge-sharing initiatives.